Business and Personal Consulting

Personal Finance

Making your money make YOU money

True wealth is the result of proper planning and managing your finances to benefit you. When you stop working for your income, and allow your money make money for you is when true wealth is generated. With our help, we can help you achieve your financial goals such as retirement, college savings, and generational wealth. With us, you will get personal guidance and a complete financial plan that outlines a budget, manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.

Entity Structuring

Proven Tax Strategies That Will Save You Money

The most common mistake we find in preparing tax returns is that the owner chose the wrong entity structure because they attended a seminar, friend told them, or decided to do it him/herself. However, they failed to fully understand the tax implications, accounting method, payroll, bookkeeping, or taxation of personal income. Entities are separate entities from the individuals who own or operate it: and its organization and operation procedures are governed by very specific state laws. A CPA’s advice on the best suited entity structure for your business will save you hundreds of dollars by doing it right the first time. We can help you structure your business to provide the most benefit to you in any

Mergers and Acquisitions

Let us advise and answer your questions around your business mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, tender offers, purchase of assets and management acquisitions. This can be a scary and unfamiliar time in your business, but with our expertise and partnerships we can make the transition smooth and enjoyable!

Cost Segregation Studies

If you are embarking on an office buildout, leasehold improvements, flipping a home, or purchasing real estate, we can help with cost segregation studies to minimize your taxes paid today and in the future! With our partnerships and our expertise, we will perform an asset evaluation and depreciation analysis to maximize your tax savings, and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pockets!


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